How to Write a Good and Interesting Blog? Follow These 11 Tips!

How to Write a Good and Interesting Blog? Follow These 11 Tips! How to Write a Good and Interesting Blog – Blogs now have various functions. Not only as a place to write daily stories or personal thoughts, blogs can be used for personal branding and business marketing purposes.

But to achieve satisfactory results, of course you must be able to write good blog content. So, how do you write a good and interesting blog so that it can be profitable? Check out the following tips and tricks!

Determine Blog Focus

Before starting to write a blog, Toppers must first determine the focus of the blog first. The focus of a blog can vary: book reviews, film reviews, gadget reviews, posting your own poetry, drama series reviews, travel stories, or social issues. 

Blogs with a specific focus will be easier to manage. If you want a blog as a place to write daily activities, that's fine, but usually this type of blog is more difficult to develop. For the purposes of this article, let's use a book blog as an example.

Make a Plan

The next step after determining the focus of the blog is to make a plan. What kind of posts will be posted? How many times do you post in a week? For example, your book blog will post 3 times a week. Monday to post local book reviews, Wednesday to post reviews of translated books/books published abroad, and Saturday to post things related to books outside of reviews.

Post Consistently

After planning, start blogging consistently! Consistent here means regular posting with regular intensity according to the plans that have been made. By sticking to the posting schedule, blog readers will start looking forward to the next post.

Pay Attention to Writing

The way to write a good and interesting blog is to not just write it. When you start, just release the ideas you want to pour freely. After that, take a moment and then start editing the text. Even if a blog is not a school or work assignment, writing according to language rules or EYD will make it easier to read. It's even better if you have a distinctive tone in your writing, such as satire or comedy.

Pay Attention to Content Format

The blog content format should also not be ignored. Like other types of writing, a good and interesting blog usually consists of three parts: opening, body, and closing. But remember, the level of concentration and attention-span of online readers is not as long as that of readers of books, newspapers, or other print media. Attract readers' attention by presenting an opening that can make them want to read further, for example with quotes, questions, data or facts, and evocative titles.

Add Image/Visual

Visuals are the most eye-catching thing. An easy way to grab the reader's attention is to include beautiful and aesthetic visuals. Aesthetics doesn't mean you have to follow Tumblr trends or anything like that, but aesthetics are neat, beautiful, and in harmony with the overall theme of the blog. Visuals can be in the form of illustrations, photos taken from the internet (note the copyright, yes!), or graphic creations of simple writing.

Keep the Blog View

If Toppers has more funds and is serious about developing a blog, there's nothing wrong with investing in blog design, especially if your blog is based on WordPress. Currently, there are many sites that provide WordPress-based blog design customization services. Unlike the case with Blogger, which looks tend to be easier to tamper with yourself. You can learn how to change the look with a personal design. It's not hard!

Blogwalking routine

To be able to consistently write a good blog, Toppers must be diligent in blogging or visiting other blogs. This is done to be able to explore inspiration and add insight about topics that are currently popular among similar blogs.

For example, ahead of Valentine's Day, you realize that book bloggers are starting to get busy discussing books with the romance genre. Imitate the inspiration by making a similar post, but adding your own ideas: Review romance books set in the 1990s, or make a list of romance books with sad endings!

It's not enough to visit, be active in giving feedback in the form of comments on other blogger posts. This will provoke them to do the same with your blog.

Bring Guest-Blogger

Every now and then, spice up your blog's content by presenting guest bloggers (other blog owners). Ask them to write something down to post on your blog. Of course this can only be done if you already know the blogger well enough, yes. Therefore, it is important for you to build relationships with other bloggers. Usually, other bloggers won't mind doing this, in exchange for you to write something to post on their blog.


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